This past September marked one year of embarking on this venture of Lawson Woodworks. And this past July after 14 wonderful years in New Orleans I picked up and moved to Gulfport, Mississippi. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA and although I have been drawing since I could first hold a crayon, my artistic life was ignited in NOLA. It was there that I truly started to explore painting and illustration (see my work at, was a production designer for a major concert venue, a sign painter, became an actor, writer, director, and producer for live theater, and also a set designer, which directly relates to my current status - wood worker.
Now I am not a wood worker in the sense of sitting on the front porch and whittling ducks from blocks of pine. Nor am I transforming oak or mahogany into masterpieces of refined furniture that cost thousands. No, I make functional pieces meant to be used but also meant to be appreciated. I love the refined pieces and am in awe of the talent that goes into making them (same with the ducks), but it’s just not me.
My work - frames, small furniture, and memory boxes (or keepsake/jewelry/ash boxes) - is meant to be used. At the same time I want my work to be something decorative that will catch people’s eye and get them talking about it. Everything I learned and experienced as an artist in NOLA brought me here and is reflected in my work. My first space to do my set design was in my yard, and that yard and my back porch eventually became the starting place for Lawson Woodworks. My goal for 2018 was to find an actual studio space but then the subject of moving popped up and now here I am in Gulfport, Mississippi with a full blown workshop attached to my house.
I am very excited about this next chapter. I am hoping to push it all even further. I want to give a shout to all my family and friends who have supported me and cheered me on. And a big shout out to New Orleans - you are such a magical city. Thank you NOLA for getting my fire ignited.